Monday, February 22, 2010

#14 by Janson

-Aboard the Sequoia-

"...but that means fighting you're own people. If I did have you transfered would you fight just like any of my other men?"

He sat there and thought it over this for a bit. Janson couldn't help but find logical arguments for each side, although he wouldn't mind fighting Rhinelanders.

"Well, sir, it's really up to where I'm needed. In some ways I would prefer the Kusari front, to avoid fightin home, yet I wouldn't show them any mercy, after all they betrayed me first, and I know much of Rhineland space as well, yet i may also be better able to serve on the Kusari front because good pilots are needed tehre as well."

"A valid argument."

Cravic is still a bit unsure to where Janson stands on the issue and asks, "So, What do you plan on doing by server Liberty and what do you plan on doing after the war?"

"Well. Why I'm here is because Rhineland should have joined Liberty in the first place, but didn't, so I'll fight on the right side. After the war? Depends. If we manage to put Rhineland in its place I may move back there. In the case that doesn't happen though, my home's in Liberty."

Now sure that Janson is really all for Liberty, Cravic says, ""Alright then I think well assign you at..."

(\\Although for this RP i think id like to be in the action with the Admiral, idc either way)

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